Meet the Saginaw Chapter Board

Jeffery Hirvela, Chapter Director

Jeff Hirvela is the Director of Liturgy for the Catholic Parish of St. Dominic in Saginaw, MI.  He attended Silver Lake College of the Holy Family in Manitowoc, WI and graduated in 1997 with a Bachelor of Music degree.  While at Silver Lake College he studied, Music education, Organ, Piano, Choir and Instrumental Studies.  He has served Parishes and Catholic Schools in Wisconsin and Michigan including:  Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Chesaning MI; St. Peter the Fisherman, Two Rivers, Wisconsin; St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic School, Two Rivers, WI; Consolidated Parochial Schools, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; Calvary Lutheran Church, Two Rivers, WI and St. Dominic Catholic Parish, Saginaw, Michigan.

We thank Jeff for his continued service to the Saginaw Chapter Director for the past six plus years.

Leona Jones, Treasurer

Leona Jones is the Music Director for St. Elizabeth Catholic Parish in Reese, MI.  

We thank Leona for her continued service to chapter for the past 6 + years.

Deb Kraklow, Secretary

Deb Kraklow  is the Pastoral Associate for St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Saginaw, MI.  

She has served as the Saginaw Chapter Treasurer since 2023.

Other Board Members and Advisors

Laura Bush, Programming Coordinator

Becky McClure, Member-At-Large

Bob Zondlak, Diocesan Representative